Monday, April 21, 2014

Northshore Painting Weekend

The paintings are dry enough to scan and post. So here are the 10 paintings from a week and a half ago. It was a nice warm spring weekend in Duluth and the north shore area. I arrived on Thursday afternoon at Jay Cooke State Park. Because of the snow cover and late spring I didn't go to Grand Marais, my usual destination. My wanderings took my as far north as Silver Bay and south to Sandstone. The weather turned colder and rainy on Saturday but I was still able to squeeze in a couple of paintings.
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I set up just to the right of the new swing bridge. With the warm temperature the spring melt the river was roaring. This is looking a little past the main flow of the river at the island.

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This is painted at the mouth of the Kettle River. Lake Superior still had lots of ice near the shore and father out into the lake.   
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This is the harbor and beacon in Two Harbors. I talked to a fisherman try his luck at fishing for salmon without much luck.

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I love painting at night and my favorite subject is the Lift Bridge in Canal Park.

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I this is the painting I did at Gooseberry Falls before the ice let go up stream and nearly swept me and my easel down stream. The brown in the lower portion of the painting is the river before the river rose. It was nearly six feet deeper afterwards.

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This is looking down Bridge Street in Canal Park towards the lift bridge. I was standing next to the KBJR TV studios. A reported came out and interviewed me while I was painting. You can see the video here.

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This is the Lester River, in Duluth, just upstream of the falls. As I was painting two kayakers came down the river and went over the 15' falls behind me. I watched in amazement.

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The St. Louis River was in full force coming out of the Thomson dam by Carlton Mn.

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This is painted from the scenic overlook in Silver Bay looking down on the North Shore Mining Cliff plant.
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On the way home I stopped in Sandstone MN and painted the old sandstone quarry by the river.

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